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Change is certain. Peace is followed by disturbances.

We believe that there are many ways of change. The most powerful basis is strengthening our awareness, consciousness by being completely present and "now". Spiritual traditions and religions found different names for what we are talking about here: "no mind", "not-doing", "halt the world", "halt the wheel of time", "to be centered", "transcend the Ego", "come to presence", "mystic contemplation", "contemplative mind" or just "contemplation".
All these traditions have discovered important effects of a contemplative mind:  It takes you much closer to your real self (the "prima materia" in you - not to your Ego), it will improve the quality of your relationships with other beeings and it will bring you closer to the elementary power of live, also called the "prime cause", "Dao", "Brahman", "God" or whatever. By contemplating the world, they also realized that the world is an interconnected "beeing" and that we - the observers - change the world.
This is what this site is about: Encouraging people of various cultures and religions to virtually meet at common dates and times - each one at their own location - to enter a contemplative state.
Any questions? presence@globalcontemplation.com